Wednesday, November 28, 2007


My second pay it forward is more special and personal. I have barely started but it is to help my mom. It may not seem important or helpful to you, but to me it is very special. To do this I am going to take more care of my sister's and not argue with them. I am going to be more respectful and helpful. I am going to keep every thing clean and organized. I am going to do all the chores, and do good in school to make mom happy. I am going to recycle alot more and just wash cars so I could get money to by groceries and suplies for the house. I am going to do all this because my mom is strugling and she did so much for me and my sisters. I am not just paying it forward just to my mom but while i'm doing this I feel my sisters would see me doing something helpful and since i'm the oldest they will start to be more helpful and respectful.

1 comment:

Ms. Staff said...

What a great way to lead by example! Keep up the great work!